
Here I have a collection of Software that I am working on



Uses a RSVP list to randomly pick a "winner" for a raffle.

This is a geek solution to a real problem ;). When the Chicago Java Users Group have meetings, we usually announce and manage attendees through Meetup. Sometimes we have prizes to give away (like books and such) and as such we need to "raffle" them at the Meeting. Meetup Raffle connects to the Meetup API, download the list of "attendees" for a particular meeting and then gives you a Raffle button on which a random attendee is picked. The beauty of it is that it encourages people to really sign-up (instead of just dropping in), and is way faster than drawing tickets. We will usually announce the 'winner' and if it doesn't reply, we pick another winner (and rotate until we find someone who responds).

Hope this help anyone else.

MeetupRaffle.exe (64-bits) (

GitHub (

Any contributions are welcome (and pardon the dust, as I'm still getting used to both Maven and Github)


For setting up the Meetup Raffle, you will need to get the following.

API Key: To do so, log-in to your meetup group and then go to
Group name: It's the name of the Group (as indicated in the web address), so for example for the Chicago Java Users Group is (ChicagoJUG), and you can see it here

When you have that info, as soon as you download and run MeetupRaffle.exe, use the configuation button to add/set the above fields

And that should get you going :)

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