Thursday, January 26, 2012

Episode 15. Java Swing and Performance. It's not slow!

Taking the performance theme, we move into the dark corners of Java Swing and discover that it is not a lame horse at all! Swing is very fast (with support for directX and OpenGL!), but sometimes is hard to get it to perform right. In this podcast we talk about how to make sure of respecting the EDT, offloading from the EDT, we explain how the EventQueue works, and show THE technique for fast GUI performance. If you know what Swing is, tune in! We will dispell Swing's performance myths!

Using Aspects to debug Swing Apps (
Java Flags for DirectX and OpenGL (
InvokeLater, InvokeAndWait (

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Episode 14. Optimizing for Performance - The tools

In the second part of optimization, we talk about the tools (or more properly algorithms) that you can use to optimize a piece of code. Ever wonder how to make a piece of code faster? or difference between caching and Divide-and-Conquer? then tune in! You'll become the McGyver of code optimization.

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Charlie Hunt's book (
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Aparapi (

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Episode 13. Optimizing for Performance

We all love speed, code speed that is! In this podcast we delve into code optimizations, and what does it mean to optimize for speed. We go over what is the mind-state that you need as you optimize code and offer sneaky shortcuts that allows 10-fold improvement with very little code change (Caching, or pregenerating, or timed-updates). More importantly we go over the process on defining when you have "arrived" at a good optimization point, and hopefully help you optimize what is really important (measuring for performance). If you need to scale up/out and around, listen to this episode!

If you feel you would like to share your optimization experience, go to, and post!

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Episode 12. Giving the Model a Controlling View (The Model-View-Controller pattern)

In this podcast we talk about the Model-View-Controller pattern (and is prettier cousin, the Model-View-Presenter), and go over how to go about implementing the MVC/MVP Pattern (really, what to instantiate first, and how to wire the whole thing). We also cover the caveats of implementing the MVC, including escaped references in construction, and making the view alway update from the model state. Lastly we talk about where to store view information (such as window size and colors, etc. Hint: not in the model). In all, if you ever needed to touch MVC code, this will help you light the path to awesome interaction! (and ease of unit testing) (Google reference to the MVP pattern)

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